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PN-EN 10216-2, DIN 17175 Pipes for pressure purposes with specified elevated temperature properties. Boiler tubes

Boiler tubes are used in heat exchange appliances in which the energy is transferred from one medium to the other. The pipes are manufactured from carbon and low-alloy steel grades which are resistant to loads under high pressure and temperatures. They are used for the construction of power engineering appliances such as: boilers, heating coils, stoves, heaters, heat exchangers.

The pipes are manufactured with the diameters between 21,3 – 660 mm and with the wall thickness of up to 100 mm in the case of hot rolling, and with the diameters between 10,2 – 108 and with the wall thickness of up to 12,5 mm in the case of cold drawing. The pipes are manufactured with TC1 tests (I requirement level) and TC2 (III requirement level) according to PN-EN10216-2.



Steel grades used Details: Table 1
Dimensions and tolerances Details: Table 2
Pipe lengths Pipes with precise lengths are manufactured with the following tolerance values:
  • for pipes 0- 6m -0/+10%
  • for pipes 6-12m -0/+15%
  • for pipes longer than 12m -0/to be negotiated
Tightness Pipes should be subject to water testing (7Mpa) or electromagnetic testing.
Straightness < 0,0015 of pipe length (below 3mm per every meter of pipe length)
Tests Details: Table 3


Table 1

Mechanical properties
Pipe types Steel grades Mechanical properties during tensile testing in room temperature Resilience
Wg PN-EN 10216-2
Upper yield limit or yield strength Re or R0,2 for wall thickness of t min Tensile strength Rm
Elongation A min%
Minimum energy average absorbed KVJ at the temperature of 0°C
T<\=16 16<T<\=40 40<t<\=60 60<T<\=60 I T
MPa MPa MPa MPa MPa I t 20 0 -10 20 0
P195GH 195 - - - 320- 440 27 25 - 40 28 - 27
P235GH 235 225 215 - 360- 500 25 23 - 40 28 - 27
P265GH 265 255 245 - 410- 570 23 21 - 40 28 - 27
16Mo3 280 270 260 - 450- 600 22 20 40 - - 27 -
14MoV6-3 320 320 310 - 460- 610 20 18 40 - - 27 -
13CrMo4-5 290 290 280 - 440- 590 22 20 40 - - 27 -
10CrMo9-10 280 280 270 - 480- 630 22 20 40 - - 27 -


C% max Si% max Mn% max P% max S% max Cr% max Mo% max Ni% max Al.cał% min Cu% max Nb% max Ti% max V% max Cr+ Cu+ Mo+ Ni% MAX
P195GH 0,13 0,35 0,70 0,025 0,020 0,30 0,08 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 0,010 0,040 0,02 0,70
P235GH 0,16 0,35 1,20 0,025 0,020 0,30 0,08 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 0,010 0,040 0,02 0,70
P265GH 0,20 0,40 1,40 0,025 0,020 0,30 0,08 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 0,010 0,040 0,02 0,70
16Mo3 0,12- 0,20 0,35 0,40- 0,70 0,025 0,020 0,30 0,25- 0,35 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 - - - -
14MoV6-3 0,10- 0,15 0,15- 0,35 0,40- 0,70 0,025 0,020 0,30- 0,60 0,50- 0,70 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 - 0,22-0,28 - -
13CrMo4-5 0,15 0,50- 1,00 0,30- 0,60 0,025 0,020 1,00- 1,50 0,45- 0,65 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 - - - -
10CrMo9-10 0,10- 0,17 0,35 0,40- 0,70 0,025 0,020 0,70- 1,15 0,40- 0,60 0,30 >\= 0,020 0,30 - - - -


Table 2

Outside diameter and wall thickness tolerances
Outside diameter D mm Permissible deviations of outside diameter D Permissible deviations of wall thickness t depending on the T/D ratio
<\=0,025 >0,025
D<\=219,1 +\- 1% or =\- 0,5mm depending on which is greater

+\- 12,5% or 0,4 mm depending on which is greater
D>219,1 =\- 20% =\- 15% =\- 12,5% =\- 10%
For the outside diameter of D>\=355,6 mm, local deviation outside of the upper deviation limit by further 5% of the wall thickness T is permitted
Inside diameter and wall thickness tolerances
Permissible deviations of inside diameter Permissible T deviations depending on the T/d ratio
d dmin <\-0,03 >0,03
+\- 1% or +\- 2mm depending on which is greater +2% +4mm
depending on which is greater
+\-20% +\-15% +\-12,5% +\-10%
For the outside diameter of D>\=355,6 mm, local deviation outside of the upper deviation limit by further 5% of the wall thickness T is permitted


Table 3

EN 10216-2:2002

Inspection and test type Test frequency Test category
Mandatory tests Ladle analysis One per ladle 1 2
Tensile testing in room temperature One per every test pipe X X
Flattening test for D<600mm and the ratio of D<\=0,15 but T<\=40mm or ring testing for D>150mm and T <\=40mm X X
Rolling test on a mandrel bar for D<\=150mm and T<\=10mm or ring testing for D<\=114,3mm and T <\=12,5mm X X
Resilience testing at the temperature of 20 ºC X X
Tightness testing Every pipe X X
Dimensional testing   X X
Visual inspection   X X
NDT in order to identify longitudinal discontinuity Every pipe X X
Material identification for alloy steel X X
Optional tests Final product analysis One per ladle X X
Tensile testing at elevated temperature One per ladle and for the same thermal processing conditions X X
Resilience testing One per every test pipe X X
Resilience testing in the machine direction at the temperature of -10ºC for non-alloy steel grades X X
Wall thickness measurement at a distance from pipe ends   X X
NDT in order to identify transverse discontinuity
Every pipe
NDT in order to identify delamination X X


DIN 17175

Grades: St 35.8, St 45.8, 15Mo3, 13CrMo44, 10CrMo910, 14MoV63

Mechanical properties of seamless steel pipes for elevated temperatures tested in room temperature
Pipe types Steel grades Tensile strength Rm Yield limit for walls in mm max Elongation at break (Lo=5do) max Resilience work of the transverse DVM sample J max
Seamless steel pipes for elevated temperatures St 35.8, St 45.8, 15Mo3, 13CrMo44, 10CrMo910, 14MoV63 according to DIN 17175 <\=16 >16-<\=40 >40-<\=60
MPa MPa MPa MPa 1 t
St35.8 360-480 235 225 215 25 23 34
St45.8 410-530 255 245 235 21 19 27
15Mo3 450-600 270 270 260 22 20 34
13CrMo44 440-590 290 280 280 22 20 34
10CrMo910 450-600 280 280 270 20 18 34
14MoV63 460-610 310 320 310 20 18 41


C% max Si% max Mn% max P% max S% max Cr% max Mo% max Ni% max V% max Color code
St35.8 0,17 0,10-0,35 0,40-0,80 0,040 0,040 - - - - White
St45.8 0,21 0,10-0,35 0,40-1,20 0,040 0,040 - - - - Yellow
15Mo3 0,12-0,20 0,10-0,35 0,40-0,80 0,035 0,035 - 0,25- 0,35 - - Yellow and carmine red
13CrMo44 0,10-0,18 0,10-0,35 0,40-0,70 0,035 0,035 0,70- 1,10 0,45- 0,65 - - Yellow and silver
10CrMo910 0,08-0,15 0,50 0,40-0,70 0,035 0,035 2,00- 2,50 0,90- 1,20     Red and green
14MoV63 0,10-0,18 0,10-0,35 0,40-0,70 0,035 0,035 0,30- 0,60 0,50- 0,70 - 0,22- 0,32 Red and silver


Test scope for seamless pipes in both quality stages and the responsibility for test execution


No Tests
Stage I Stage III Responsible for test execution
1 Tensile testing On two pipes per batch in two first batches, on one pipe per every subsequent batch On two pipes per batch in two first batches, on one pipe per every subsequent batch Manufacturer
2 Vibration bending test On pipes according to no 1  On pipes according to no 1 To be negotiated
3 Ring testing At one of the pipe ends according to no 1 Depending on the diameter, for 20% of cylindrical length or partial length, on one side or for 100% of cylindrical length or partial length on both sides, potentially also on one side  To be negotiated
4 Non-destructive testing    All pipes To be negotiated
5 Surface inspection All pipes  All pipes Manufacturer
6 Dimensional testing All pipes  All pipes To be negotiated
7 Tightness testing All pipes  All pipes Manufacturer
8 Room inspection    All alloy pipes Manufacturer
9 Detailed testing no 9, no10 Check analysis To be negotiated  To be negotiated Manufacturer
10 Tensile testing at elevated temperatures If not agreed otherwise, 1 sample per one ladle and in one size or 1 sample per one ladle and annealing (without thermal processing)  If not agreed otherwise, 1 sample per one ladle and in one size or 1 sample per one ladle and annealing (without thermal processing) To be negotiated